Traditional practices

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CRC Article = 24(3)
States Parties are required to take all effective and appropriate measures with a view to abolishing traditional practices prejudicial to the health of children. Such practices include all harmful traditional practices, such as female genital mutilation, or female circumcision, son preference, female infanticide, early marriage and dowry, early pregnancy, nutritional taboos and certain practices related to child delivery. Consider the Plan of Action for the Elimination of Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, prepared by the second United Nations Regional Seminar on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 4 to 8 July 1994, and adopted by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities in its resolution 1994/30 of 26 August 1994.

See also:
Health and health services