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Office of Research - Innocenti, site search


Do constraints on women worsen child deprivations? Framework, measurement, and evidence from India
This paper provides a framework for analyzing constraints that apply specifically to women, which theory suggests may have negative impacts on child outcomes ...

How Gender-responsive Age-sensitive Social Protection is Related to the Climate Crisis: A summary of the evidence
This paper outlines how climate change can create specific gendered risks based on age and stage of the life course. ...

Women in Learning Leadership (WiLL): What does women's school leadership look like in Chad?
This is a translated executive summary of the first report on Women in Learning Leadership in Chad, originally produced in French. The full report in ...

Women in Learning Leadership: Le leadership des femmes dans les apprentissages au Tchad
Des directeurs et directrices d'école efficaces sont indispensables pour améliorer l'apprentissage des élèves et la qualité de l'enseignement. Inspiré ...