Survival and development

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CRC Article = 6(2)
The right of the child to survival and development is recognized in Article 6(2) of the CRC. States Parties are required to ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child. The right of the child to survival and development is closely linked to the rights of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, to health services, and to an adequate standard of living. Within the United Nations context, in particular the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, measures to ensure "survival" include growth monitoring, oral rehydration and disease control, breast-feeding, immunization, child spacing, food and female literacy. Consider also the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and the Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children. These Declarations were adopted at the World Summit for Children, which was held at United Nations Headquarters on 30 September 1990.

See also:
Adequate nutrition   Adequate standard of living   Health and health services   Right to life