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Ombudsman for children

Championing Children's Rights: A global study of independent human rights institutions for children
Independent human rights institutions for children have the unique role of facilitating governance processes specific to young people, and have emerged ...

Child Participation and Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children in Europe
This paper focuses on the role played by independent human rights institutions for children in promoting children’s and adolescents’ participatory rights. ...

Il difensore civico per l'infanzia
L'istituzione dei commissari/difensori civici per l'infanzia è un fenomeno recente e ancora in espansione. La consapevolezza della necessità di istituire ...

The Establishment Process for a Separate Child Ombudsman in Turkey: A case study
This paper provides an overview and analysis of the initial steps towards the establishment of a separate ombudsman for children in Turkey. Looking at ...

Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children
This working paper addresses the role, contribution and impact of independent human rights institutions for children (IHRICs), also referred to as children’s ...

Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children and the Committee on the Rights of the Child Reporting Process
This paper presents an overview of the reporting process to the Committee on the Rights of the Child in relation to independent human rights institutions ...

Independent Institutions Protecting Children's Rights
Children are among the most vulnerable group in any society, with no vote, no access to the powerful lobbies that influence government agendas, and little ...

La mise en place d'un mécanisme de recours et de suivi des droits de l'enfant au Maroc
La présente étude a pour objet de préparer une base de travail pour soutenir le processus de réflexion en vue de Maroc d’un mécanisme indépendant de recours ...

Ombudswork for Children
The first Innocenti Digest provides information on the recent and expanding phenomenon of ombudsmen/commissioners for children. It discusses the history ...

Ombudswork for Children (Russian)
The first Innocenti Digest provides information on the recent and expanding phenomenon of ombudsmen/commissioners for children. It discusses the history ...

El Trabajo del Defensor de los Niños
La creación de los Defensores o Comisionados para la Infancia es un fenómeno reciente y en expansión. Cada vez más, nos estamos dando cuenta de que los ...

A Voice for Children: Speaking out as their Ombudsman

Защита и поддержка прав детей
Independent human rights institutions for children have the unique role of facilitating governance processes specific to young people, and have emerged ...

المستقلة الخاصة بالأطفال – تقرير موجز دراسة عالمية حول منظمات حقوق الإنسان حقوق الأطفال مُناصَرة
Independent human rights institutions for children have the unique role of facilitating governance processes specific to young people, and have emerged ...