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Office of Research - Innocenti, site search

Right to survival and development

1990-2005 Celebrating the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding: Past achievements, present challenges and priority actions for infant and young child feeding (second edition)
This publication reviews the context of the Innocenti Declaration and analyzes the achievements that have been realized towards the targets that were ...

1990-2005 Celebrating the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding: Past achievements, present challenges and the way forward for infant and young child feeding
This publication is intended to raise the profile of breastfeeding and all elements of infant and young child feeding as key interventions for improving ...

1990-2005 Celebrazione della Dichiarazione degli Innocenti sulla Protezione, Promozione e Sostegno dell'Allattamento Materno
La presente pubblicazione intende dare maggiore visibilità all’allattamento materno e a tutti gli aspetti relativi all’alimentazione neonatale e infantile, ...

Asegurar los derechos de los niños indígenas
En todo el mundo, tanto en las áreas rurales como en las urbanas, los niños indígenas a menudo constituyen uno de los grupos más desventajados y sus derechos ...

Basic Services for All?
There is a general consensus that basic social services are the building blocks for human development. Indeed,they are now accepted as fundamental human ...

Declaración de Innocenti del 2005 sobre la alimentación de lactantes y niños pequeños
En los 15 años transcurridos desde la adopción de la versión original de la Declaración de Innocenti, en 1990, se ha logrado un notable progreso en lo ...

Declaration Innocenti 2005 sur l’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant
Depuis 15 ans qu’a été adoptée la première Déclaration Innocenti, en 1990, l’alimentation des nourrissons et des jeunes enfants a fait des progrès remarquables ...

Demographic Challenges and the Implications for Children in CEE/CIS
This paper discusses some of the implications of recent demographic changes in the CEE/CIS on children of the region. The first part of the paper documents ...

Des services de base pour tous?
Il y a un déséquilibre de 80 milliards de dollars par an entre ce qui est dépensé et ce qui devrait l'être pour garantir l'accès universel aux services ...

Dichiarazione degli Innocenti 2005 sull’alimentazione dei neonati e dei bambini
Nei 15 anni trascorsi dall’adozione nel 1990 della prima Dichiarazione degli Innocenti, in tutto il mondo sono stati compiuti notevoli progressi per migliorare ...

Early Child Development: Summary Report, Innocenti Global Seminar
Development of young children encompasses their survival and good health. It also involves their cognitive, emotional, ethical and social growth. Yet ...

Early Childhood Development Revisited: From policy formulation to programme implementation
This is the report on an inter-agency workshop convened by the Education Cluster of UNICEF New York. The meeting undertook a detailed analysis of three ...

Ensuring the rights of indigenous children
Around the world, in rural and urban areas alike, indigenous chilldren frequently constitute one of the most disadvantaged groups, and their rights - ...

Evidence and Gap Map Research Brief UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018–2021 Goal Area 1: Every child survives and thrives
This research brief is one of a series of six briefs, which provide an overview of available evidence shown in the Campbell-UNICEF Mega-Map of the effectiveness ...

La evolución de las facultades des niño
La Convención de los Derechos del Niño introduce por primera vez en un tratado de derecho internacional, el concepto de ‘capacidades evolutivas’ del niño(a). ...

The Evolving Capacities of the Child
The Convention on the Rights of the Child introduces for the first time in an international human rights treaty, the concept of the ‘evolving capacities’ ...

Garantir les droits des enfants autochtones
Dans le monde, que ce soit dans les zones urbaines ou rurale, les enfants autochtones constituent fréquentement l'un de groupes le plus défavorisés, et ...

Innocenti Declaration 2005 on Infant and Young Child Feeding
In 1990 the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding set an international agenda with ambitious targets for action. ...

Innocenti Declaration 2005 on Infant and Young Child Feeding (Arabic version)
In 1990 the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding set an international agenda with ambitious targets for action. ...

Innocenti Declaration 2005 on Infant and Young Child Feeding (Chinese version)
In 1990 the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding set an international agenda with ambitious targets for action. ...

Innocenti Declaration 2005 on Infant and Young Child Feeding (Russian version)
За 15 лет, прошедших с момента принятия в 1990 г. Первоначальной Инночентийской декларации, в улучшении питания детей грудного и раннего возраста во ...

Les capacités évolutives de l'enfant
La Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant introduit le concept des ‘capacités évolutives’ de l’enfant. Ce principe établit que l’acquisition de compétences ...

¿Servicios básicos para todos?
Existe un déficit que alcanza los 80 mil millones de dólares por año entre lo que se gasta y lo que se debería gastar para asegurar el acceso universalizado ...