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Social indicators

Bambini e adolescenti ai margini. Un quadro comparativo sulla disuguaglianza nel benessere dei bambini nei paesi ricchi
Questa Report Card presenta una prima panoramica sulle disuguaglianze nel benessere dei bambini in 24 dei paesi più ricchi del mondo. Vi si prendono in ...

The Children Left Behind: A league table of inequality in child well-being in the world's rich countries
This Report Card presents a first overview of inequalities in child well-being for 24 of the world’s richest countries. Three dimensions of inequality ...

Comparing Child Well-Being in OECD Countries: Concepts and methods
This paper is produced alongside Innocenti Report Card 7 Child Well-being in Rich Countries. It provides more detail on how the indicators were chosen ...

As crianças que ficam para trás: Uma tabela classificativa da desigualdade no bem-estar das crianças nos países ricos
O presente Report Card apresenta uma primeira visão global das desigualdades no bem-estar das crianças em 24 dos países mais ricos do mundo. São examinadas ...

Les enfants laissés pour compte : tableau de classement des inégalités de bien-être entre les enfants des pays riches
Le présent Bilan présente un premier aperçu des inégalités en termes de bien-être infantile dans vingt-quatre des pays les plus riches du monde. Trois ...

Innocenti Social Monitor 2002 (Russian version)
Социальный мониторинг, 2002 год содержит обзор социально экономических тенденций в 27 странах Центральной и Восточной Европы, а также Содружества Независимых ...

Innocenti Social Monitor 2009. Child Well-being at a Crossroads: Evolving challenges in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
The evolving and diverging challenges for the well-being of children after two decades of transition are examined. Following a long period of sustained ...

Integrating Economic and Social Policy: Good practices from high achieving countries
This paper examines the successes of ten 'high-achievers' - countries with social indicators far higher than might be expected given their national wealth. ...

Los niños dejados atrás: una tabla clasificatoria de la desigualdad respecto al bienestar infantil en las naciones ricas del mundo
Esta Report Card presenta un primer panorama general de las desigualdades respecto al bienestar infantil en 24 de los países más ricos del mundo. Se examinan ...

Overview of Child Well-Being in Germany: Policy towards a supportive environment for children
Children’s opportunities to develop according to their talents and competencies and to establish trust in the adults with whom they live, their neighbourhoods, ...

Preferences for Inequality: East vs. West
Do preferences for income inequality differ systematically between the post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Western established ...

Public Policy and Social Conditions
In the early 1990s considerable attention was given to the issues of stabilization, privatization, taxation and labour market adjustment in the Eastern ...

Public Policy and Social Conditions (Russian version)
In the early 1990s considerable attention was given to the issues of stabilization, privatization, taxation and labour market adjustment in the Eastern ...

Regional Monitoring of Child and Family Well-Being: UNICEF's MONEE Project
The paper outlines the goals, organization and methodology of one of the most authoritative attempts to monitor the situation of children and women in ...

Targeting Social Assistance in a Transition Economy: the Mahallas in Uzbekistan
Falling output and living standards have pushed countries in transition from the socialist system to re-consider how best to target public resources on ...

TransMonee 2005: Data indicators and features on the state of children in CEE/CIS and Baltic States
Contributions from 27 National Statistical Offices in Central and Eastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltics form the backbone ...

TransMONEE 2007 Features: Data and analysis on the lives of children in CEE/CIS and Baltic States
Despite recent economic growth, many children in the CEE/CIS Region remain vulnerable. Thousands of children continue to die before their first birthday, ...

Zur Lage der Kinder in Deutschland: Politik für Kinder als Zukunftsgestaltung
Die Chancen von Kindern, sich in ihrer Lebensumwelt entsprechend ihren Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen entwickeln zu können und Vertrauen zu den Erwachsenen ...

Осуществление проекта MONEE было начато в 1992 году в целях мониторинга, анализа и распространения информации о социальных и экономических тенденциях, ...

Материалы базы данных TransMONEE 2007 года: данные и анализ,касающиеся жизни детей в страна ЦВЕ/СНГ и государствах Балтии
Несмотря на отмечаемый в последнее время экономический рост, многие дети в странах ЦВЕ/СНГ и государствах Балтии остаются уязвимыми. По-прежнему тысячи ...

Социальный мониторинг "Инноченти",2009 год:Благополучие ребенка:переломный момент.Динамика проблем в Центральной и Восточной Европе и СНГ
По прошествии почти двух десятилетий переходного периода регион ЦВЕ/СНГ по-прежнему находится в состоянии перемен. После продолжительного периода устойчивого ...