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Office of Research - Innocenti, site search

Female circumcision

Piattaforma d'azione. Verso l'abbandono della escissione/mutilazione genitale femminile (E/MGF)
L’UNICEF ha stimato che, in un arco temporale di 10 anni, con un costo annuale di circa 24 milioni di dollari, i programmi rivolti alle comunità locali ...

Plate-forme d'action pour l'abandon de l'excision/mutilation génitale féminine (E/MGF)
L’UNICEF a estimé que des programmes visant à sensibiliser les communautés, pour un coût de 24 millions de dollars des États-Unis par an sur une période ...

Platform for Action. Towards the abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C)
UNICEF has estimated that community oriented programmes costing about US$24 million each year over the next 10 years can lead to major reductions in the ...

Platform for Action. Towards the abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) (Arabic)
UNICEF has estimated that community oriented programmes costing about US$24 million each year over the next 10 years can lead to major reductions in the ...

Toward a Common Framework for the Abandonment of FGM/C
UNICEF has estimated that community-oriented programmes costing about US$24 million each year over the next 10 years can lead to major reductions in the ...

Vers un cadre commun pour l'abandon de l'E/MGF
Les engagements des États pour protéger les filles contre l’excision/mutilation génitale féminine mettent en évidence que l’E/MGF représente une violation ...

Verso un quadro programmatico comune per l'abbandono delle MGF/E
Gli impegni degli Stati per proteggere le bambine dalle mutilazioni/escissione dei genitali mettono in risalto che le MGF/E sono una violazione dei diritti ...

نحو إطار مشترك للتخ ّ لي عن ختان الإناث
أعدَّت هذه الوثيقة مجموعة عمل آلية التنسيق الفني الدولية للمانحين المعروفة باسم ”مجموعة عمل المانحين المعنية بختان الإناث (بتر/قطع الأعضاء التناسلية الظاهرة)“. ...